Paul H. Inderbitzin
Cofounder and Chairman
Paul Inderbitzin is the cofounder and Chairman of ISAI, LLC. Paul recognized the paradox of healthcare fragmentation and decided it was time to build a team to address the problem. The quality of healthcare and patient experiences has steadily declined while costs have skyrocketed. This is in spite of the ever-increasing capabilities of technology. An expert in business strategy and risk management, Paul’s career started at Travelers Insurance as an actuarial analyst. This was followed by becoming the chief actuary for the American Mutual Insurance Alliance and then the American Farm Bureau. He joined Reliance Insurance Company where he had responsibility for all reinsurance and many major line areas. He then came to American Reinsurance Company as the head of large accounts worldwide. Paul ultimately became the Chairman, President and CEO of American Re. In this position he created the most effective global network in the insurance industry. The network included obtaining the first reinsurance licenses in China and the Soviet Union. As CEO he led the leverage buyout of American Re by Kohlberg, Kravis and Roberts (KKR) and the eventual sale to Munich Reinsurance (the largest reinsurer). At the time, this sale was KKR’s best return on equity investment. After the sale Paul retained his American Re position and was named CEO of Munich American Reinsurance.
Paul graduated from St. John Fisher College with a BA in math and a major in Economics. He also became a member of the American Academy of Actuaries.